
Looking to Treat Your Eczema the Natural Way? Guest Blog by Miss Cam

Looking to Treat Your Eczema the Natural Way? Guest Blog by Miss Cam

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

We're excited to feature blog originally posted by the wonderful Miss Cam on her site, Miss Cam! Check out her full blog below.  I’ve recently...

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Stress and Eczema

Stress and Eczema

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

STRESS AND ECZEMA Eczema is more than skin deep. People who suffer from this skin condition are more susceptible to mental health issues. That's partly...

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Ingredient Colloidal Oatmeal

Ingredient Colloidal Oatmeal

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

The Benefits of Colloidal Oatmeal You may have a vague childhood memory of taking an oatmeal bath to soothe chickenpox–it’s because oatmeal has been used...

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Satya présente le Satya Stick!
#eczema #nouveauproduit

Satya présente le Satya Stick!

Patrice Mousseau
By Patrice Mousseau

  Pendant des années, nos fans fidèles l’ont demandé, et nous avons livré. Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer le lancement de la NOUVELLE application de bâton...

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Announcing the Satya Stick!

Announcing the Satya Stick!

Patrice Mousseau
By Patrice Mousseau

It's finally here! For years, our loyal fans have been asking for it, and we've delivered. We're thrilled to announce the launch of the NEW...

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Why Satya Is Not A Cream

Why Satya Is Not A Cream

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

Why Satya is NOT a cream Many of us are used to using a “cream” or “moisturizer” to hydrate our skin. But are they really moisturizing?...

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Ingredient Calendula

Ingredient Calendula

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

The Benefits of Calendula Petals Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold, has been used for centuries to treat everything from wounds, bruises and cuts,...

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Ten Things To Do if You Have Eczema

Ten Things To Do if You Have Eczema

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

10 THINGS TO DO IF YOU HAVE ECZEMA 1 AVOID WEARING UNNATURAL FIBERS Active wear is comfy and practical but the harmful chemicals in fabrics like lycra (spandex), nylon...

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Ingredient Beeswax

Ingredient Beeswax

By Bold Commerce Collaborator

The Benefits of Organic Beeswax Beeswax is the natural waxy substance that bees produce as a kind of building block for the hive. Beeswax has...

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